Contact Us

For general inquiries, please contact us at or at 541-346-4573.

You can visit our office by appointment at 1600 Millrace Drive, Suite 206, Eugene, OR 97403.

Please address all mail and packages to 100 Cascade Hall, 1272 University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403.

Questions About Specific Projects?

Firefighters, first responders, and others with questions about wildfire cameras should call 541-346-0777 or email

Community lifelines, critical infrastructure providers, businesses, and others with questions about the ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning technology should call 541-346-4654 or email

Crediting and Branding

Live and timelapse footage from the Oregon Hazards Lab’s wildfire detection cameras are available for public use with credit.

  • When using any images or videos, please credit “The Oregon Hazards Lab at the University of Oregon” or “the Oregon Hazards Lab” verbally and in writing.
  • Tag @OHAZ_UO on Instagram and X if sharing a photo, video, or screen grab on social media.
  • Do not crop or remove the black information bar at the bottom of screen grabs and videos.
  • Do not crop or remove the Oregon Hazards Lab logo or partner logos.
  • When using our logo, do not remove, rearrange, overlap, stretch, or change the proportions of any of its components. Additionally, do not alter the weight, color, or typeface or attach any other graphic elements. 

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or would like a copy of our logo for media use, please contact us by email at