EPIcenter Partnership Meeting
Thursday, February 1, 2024
11:00am-12:00pm PT
Free Webinar via Zoom
Do you work for a museum, park, or library with an interest in earthquake resilience? Consider joining the ShakeAlert EPIcenter Partnership!
An EPIcenter (Earthquake Public Information Center) is any Free-Choice Learning Environment that promotes earthquake resilience within their organization, with their visitors, or in their communities. EPIcenters engage in earthquake education and preparedness by promoting awareness of the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System, participating in the Great ShakeOut each October, and developing educational resources and exhibits.
EPIcenter members meet monthly over Zoom to share resource and ideas and to discuss a topic related to earthquake science or resilience. February’s meeting will feature a presentation by Oregon Hazards Lab Communication Specialist Kelly Missett about ShakeAlert technical partnerships. Any FCLE become a technical partner, which enables their facilities to use earthquake detection data to alert visitors or activate other pre-programmed actions that protect people and infrastructure. Topics will include:
How the ShakeAlert EEW System Works
Benefits of ShakeAlert EEW for FCLEs
Case Studies from Existing Partners
How to Become a Technical Partner